Saturday, November 15, 2008

AN can be...

Besides being a little monster, she can also be:

While we were waiting for our drinks this afternoon at Starbucks, we took a sit on the couch. After we got them, Mr Liow led AN away (we were supposed to be going home after we got our drinks) and left me behind to follow them (I was busy putting some things back into the bag, or something).

AN walked off without noticing that I wasn't following and Mr Liow prompted her to go "bring mummy here".

She turned and walked back to where I was, took me by my hand and held my hands all the way out.

That felt good. This is probably the 1st few times I actually felt that she loved and bothered about me. Ok, I know she's just a baby but it did feel good this time. hehe. She doesn't enjoy holding our hands la, for some reasons.

Whenever we go grocery shopping, she will insist on walking by herself. Once she gets to do that, she will not look back to see if we are with her. In fact, she doesn't care and will continue checking everything out while we hide, till WE find it tiring to play hide and 'non-seek'.

She seems to like it when I'm left alone with her and the shopping cart, coz she gets to go farrrrrr ahead of me while I try to push the cart as fast as she's walking (She takes more advantage of me than Mr Liow).

She then starts to bring me stuff which she leaves at my feet, and take off again to bring me even more stuff while I return those she brings to me earlier, back to where she takes them from.

It's rather amusing to see her 'shopping' so happily tho, despite being busy putting those items back.

Since she learnt to tell that the sight of a scar meant 'pain' (beside literally feeling the effect of pain), she's been stroking the scar on my collar bone and telling me "pain pain". While doing so, she'll be frowning as if she's sympathetic towards my 'pain'.

Without warning, she'll scrap the scar off my skin like she is supposedly doing me a favour. By doing so, the little scratch will start to bleed again and form another scar after it dries up.

And the cycle continues.

The scar on my collar bone will never heal at this rate she's building her vocab-bank.

I will put a foot in between B or M's moving paw and neck whenever they scratch to prevent them from doing so.

AN sees, AN follows.

Instead of putting her foot where it should be, she gives them a little kick -_____-" She thinks that each time I lift my foot up, I'm actually 'kicking' them. *faint*

...A Pack Leader (?)
She goes around snatching chew toys from BM while they happily chew on those toys. Baileys usually walks away with the bone in his mouth when he notices her approaching. Maen will let AN take hers away.

AN has learnt to command them to "SIT!" (sounds more like "SHIT!" everytime..).

Baileys, even if he has no need to sit for that bone, yet being ever so accommodating, WILL sit and wait for her to reward their obedience together with Maen.

She never does reward them, and walks away with the bone while the furkids stare at her blankly.

So, we are currently in the process of teaching her to give them the bone for obeying.
I know I've been worrying too much ever since I became a mum.

It's not easy but I'm hoping, and trying to let go a little and enjoy the process of watching AN grow up besides feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities (the 'how-to-fatten-her-up', 'stop-the-toddler-mess', etc etc)

I need to trust God more than I think I do, seriously.


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