Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Holiday highlights

We're back from Las Vegas and BM are also back from Camalot!

Mr Liow's purpose of bringing us to LV again this time was for us to catch a show and so that my parents (mainly my mum) could go donate to the Casino.

With the help of my mum, we did catch a show afterall. AN is a super glue and has to have me in view all the time. Mum was so sweet in suggesting that she try distract AN while my father kept insisting that AN will make a fuss without us around -______-" My dad is lousy with kids and he makes no efforts in trying to bond.

We watched 'V' (I don't really know the exact name of the show we watched. 'V' for Variety? 'The Ultimate Variety Show'?). We had 2 other movies since my parents came. Mum was of so much help irregardless of whether AN was good in our absence! She'd try to distract AN, play with her and make her feel better one way or another. It was nice being by ourselves without AN once in a while although that in that short span of an hour or so, I miss AN terribly. hee.

That was Mr Liow's birthday present to me, he said. hee. Thanks Dear. I enjoyed the show a lot, and your presence made it perfect.

So, while we were away, mum did her best in making sure AN didn't notice our absence. Try as she might, when it was near bedtime, AN started to ask for me.

When we came back, mum asked if I bring AN to church here. I told her no and then mum asked if I taught AN to pray. Told her we do pray together every night.

She said AN, at some point while waiting for us to return, sat still, closed her eyes, clasped her palms together and started mumbling "papa....... mummy...." AN was praying by herself! Mum could only make out words like "papa" and "mummy". The rest of AN's prayers were for the ears of the Lord only.

After praying, she started to tuck Pooh Bear under the blanket, gave him a kiss and then laid down beside him, snuggling under the same covers as him. Sounded to me she was going through with Pooh, the same routine I go through with her every night.

Mum kept laughing each time she recalls AN praying and tucking Pooh Bear in. Must have been adorable.

Next up is about Baileys & Maen.

As usual, they looked happy when we went to pick them up yesterday. Jo wasn't around the day I brought them there and she was still resting when we went to get them again.

Jim said Jo hadn't been feeling very well lately. We do pray that she will get better. They are a really nice couple and extremely loving towards the dogs under their care. It's obvious from how Baileys shower licks on him. Baileys is usually reserved towards men he doesn't know, or like.

There were new beds when we went there yesterday. Big and comfy ones!

Jim/Jo had just gotten them recently for the dogs. One of the beds were BM's favourite. One snuggled in one corner while the other one hid in the opposite corner. The bed was big enough for at least 4 of them!

That was how sweet they (BM's nannies) are! They need not get new beds for the dogs. Those were not their own and big comfy beds were not cheap. Moreover some dogs chew on beds and who knows how long those beds will live. Still they did get those beds so that the dogs under their care had nice beds to sleep on.

We had a short chat outside with Jim before heading to the groomer's. They stayed at Sonoran Terrace for 5 years long time ago. He warned us about rattlesnakes and advised us to bring torches with us if we were to walk BM at night. His mini pin (who's crossed over rainbow bridge by now) almost got bitten once. He said one can never be too careful when we live among rattlesnakes. hee.

It was a nice chat. We do hope to see Jo the next time we bring BM there.

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