Time now is 0138hrs (in Tucson). Can't believe I'm doing this now. haha!
Taken from Frankie's Picasa Album (I love sweaty girls...sleazy album name...hmm). But thanks anyway bro :)
Some fun things I noted from the pics. hee. And of course some other serious family photos with our ministry. Here goes.
Us checking out the album our ministry compiled for us. Such cool efforts when each of them are busy with work and family commitments...
Taken from Frankie's Picasa Album (I love sweaty girls...sleazy album name...hmm). But thanks anyway bro :)
Some fun things I noted from the pics. hee. And of course some other serious family photos with our ministry. Here goes.
Us checking out the album our ministry compiled for us. Such cool efforts when each of them are busy with work and family commitments...
AN's 'chu' power

"Yes Toby. I'm going to miss you too."

Hannah and Mercia's idea of boyfriend and girlfriend.

They started during Chinese New Year 2008

The men cheering the boy on. Boy Elijah proudly displaying his toned little tum tum.

And the girl? Showing how accurately she can be when she digs for gold.

The last supper includes many candles on our photographer's birthday cake.

Flower Power

"What's Hannah jiejie doing with her fingers?"

Imitating Uncle Andre but "Am I using a wrong finger?"Oops..

The kiddos can't find the camera and the man.

My future son in law in Iron Man

"OH!! Didn't you know that our brothers have LEGS?"

"And that they can't stop talking among themselves?" Poor Auntie Joan and Uncle Andre got infected too.

Piecing together our dreams

Prize Presentation 2008

This is for Baileys & Maen who's not met Toby for a long time.

"Yes Toby. I'm going to miss you too."

Hannah and Mercia's idea of boyfriend and girlfriend.
They started during Chinese New Year 2008

The men cheering the boy on. Boy Elijah proudly displaying his toned little tum tum.
And the girl? Showing how accurately she can be when she digs for gold.

The last supper includes many candles on our photographer's birthday cake.
Flower Power
"What's Hannah jiejie doing with her fingers?"

Imitating Uncle Andre but "Am I using a wrong finger?"Oops..

The kiddos can't find the camera and the man.

My future son in law in Iron Man
"OH!! Didn't you know that our brothers have LEGS?"

"And that they can't stop talking among themselves?" Poor Auntie Joan and Uncle Andre got infected too.

Piecing together our dreams

Prize Presentation 2008
This is for Baileys & Maen who's not met Toby for a long time.