Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Our boxes are arriving! + BM's updates

Mr Liow had an 'OFF' day yesterday and we decided to have a short walk at Foothills Mall.

FH Mall is so near home but till today, we've only been there once. hehe. Maybe coz it appears to be seriously not too interesting a place to shop at? But it's really near home so, well, better than nothing la.

We left home, hoping BM will be as good as the day before but erm...they weren't. Maen started the barking, soon after we stepped out. We sat in the car to listen to them. 5 mins later, Baileys started barking. -_____-" Maen stopped shouting after us by then, but Baileys continued for the next 7mins or so. It did seem like his barking was slowing down to a stop as well, but after a little break each time, he would give a series of few barks and then another break.

Terrible...I'll continue 'desensitizing' them.

That being said, yesterday was their 8th night sleeping alone and I think we have succeeded! Now when we tell them to sleep, they'd simply walk to their bed in the kitchen. No more prancing around when we put up the baby gate like the 1st few nights.

Maen seemed to have caught on our waking hours tho. She's started barking at 6.30am-6.45am for the past few mornings. Have I mentioned that day starts from 5.30am? We will wake up by 7.30am whether or not she wakes us up (Mr Liow wakes at 7am during weekdays). She's taken on the role as our alarm clock as well -____-"
We bought meat with bones, among other groceries, from Walmart yesterday. Worth mentioning coz this is the 1st time I de-boned meat on my own. I used to just buy meat portions. Almost never bones, unless I'm giving them to BM. Even then, I didn't have to de-bone the meat from the bones before I give them to the furkids.

Took me a long time to wash and de-bone meat for a week. Don't know if I did it well but, hehe.

Couldn't find spareribs and big bones in Walmart so I bought neck bones instead. erm...looked like some unwanted part of the pig. Those who cook, is neck bones ok to make stock from?

I made fishball noodles last evening. Used the neck bones to make the stock from. Tasted quite nice on the whole. It's nothing compared to fishball noodles back in Singapore for sure but we were happy to just have fishball noodles here. Didn't matter to us how authentic it tasted. hehe.
Mr Liow got a call from his admin side. Our cartons will be arriving on Wed!! Oh yeah!

We can start unpacking and buy whatever we need from then on. There were some things we needed but also brought and avoided buying so that we do not have 2 of those stuff. Pot and pans were some of those. So we bought smalled sized pots here. When we needed to make larger portions, those we bought weren't enough..

So yup, we're finally able to settle down, completely, for 2 yrs. 1 yr, 48wks to be exact :)

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