The hottest hot weather in Singapore was...31 deg C? And alry I was hating it.
We went to Phoenix last weekend and the weather was 45 deg C (113 deg F). Phoenix is generally hotter than Tucson and yet it's been ranging between 43-44 deg C here for the past few days. I can't imagine how it's like in Phoenix (oh well, wat difference does 1 deg C when it's that scorching here...).
It's dry here, so we hardly perspire BUT it does get soooo hot that we can't help it when our bodies lose so much water they form perspiration at the rate the heat can't evaporate in time (and the low humidity didn't help either).
I don't suppose Arizona's the hottest state in USA? Or is it? hmm..
I'm looking forward to cooler weather. Soooo looking forward to it..
Oh ya, not to forget about online shopping, MAC has never been on sales in SGP right? It was on 15% sale in stores and free shipping 2 days ago! Since it's not often that we make it to stores, the convenience of shopping online is fantastic. The best was of course, the never-before sale (on, some ladies even mentioned that they've never had a MAC on sale here for the 2 yrs they've been with them) and free shipping so that I don't have to miss the sale.
And yes, I bought quite a number of stuff, blushers mainly. hee. I hope there's another sale before I go back so that I can stock up for my MU case. Will be nice to use brands on clients that they hear of and not have to go broke before I even earn anything.
Lastly, pictures taken over the past few days.
Mr Liow did some packing over the weekend. The sofa was getting messier by the day coz of the little messy girl. This is before he packed.

The mess is now contained, and AN has noticed it too. She's been opening up the drawers and drawing everything out. Then I'll be dumping everything in once she naps..
Baby yogurt! Tastes good, unlike the adult version which can be really strong. She didn't like it the 1st time I fed her this. I've been giving this to her about twice a week and she's since gotten used to it.

She's still taking baby cereals but I've also 'upgraded' her breakfast to by adding something more big-kid. She can chew but is lazy to and expects me to still give her mushy food that she can swallow without chewing. With this, she has no choice. hee.

AN going around helping me with household chores, except that she was helping to give me more work to do.

See what I mean when I say AN force-treats BM. She doesn't agree that 1 headless chicken is enough for Baileys to play with.

Seeing that Baileys has no interest in the white bone, AN decided to feed him what he liked from the start.

We went to Phoenix last weekend and the weather was 45 deg C (113 deg F). Phoenix is generally hotter than Tucson and yet it's been ranging between 43-44 deg C here for the past few days. I can't imagine how it's like in Phoenix (oh well, wat difference does 1 deg C when it's that scorching here...).
It's dry here, so we hardly perspire BUT it does get soooo hot that we can't help it when our bodies lose so much water they form perspiration at the rate the heat can't evaporate in time (and the low humidity didn't help either).
I don't suppose Arizona's the hottest state in USA? Or is it? hmm..
I'm looking forward to cooler weather. Soooo looking forward to it..
Oh ya, not to forget about online shopping, MAC has never been on sales in SGP right? It was on 15% sale in stores and free shipping 2 days ago! Since it's not often that we make it to stores, the convenience of shopping online is fantastic. The best was of course, the never-before sale (on, some ladies even mentioned that they've never had a MAC on sale here for the 2 yrs they've been with them) and free shipping so that I don't have to miss the sale.
And yes, I bought quite a number of stuff, blushers mainly. hee. I hope there's another sale before I go back so that I can stock up for my MU case. Will be nice to use brands on clients that they hear of and not have to go broke before I even earn anything.
Lastly, pictures taken over the past few days.
Mr Liow did some packing over the weekend. The sofa was getting messier by the day coz of the little messy girl. This is before he packed.
Isn't it MUCH neater now?
The mess is now contained, and AN has noticed it too. She's been opening up the drawers and drawing everything out. Then I'll be dumping everything in once she naps..
Baby yogurt! Tastes good, unlike the adult version which can be really strong. She didn't like it the 1st time I fed her this. I've been giving this to her about twice a week and she's since gotten used to it.
She's still taking baby cereals but I've also 'upgraded' her breakfast to by adding something more big-kid. She can chew but is lazy to and expects me to still give her mushy food that she can swallow without chewing. With this, she has no choice. hee.
Another typical day of the 3 kids. 2 KPO girls wondering what it was that AN picked up.
And they try to find out
AN going around helping me with household chores, except that she was helping to give me more work to do.
Baileys with the headless chicken that Mr Liow bought for Maen from Aust last Oct.
See what I mean when I say AN force-treats BM. She doesn't agree that 1 headless chicken is enough for Baileys to play with.
Maen creeps up to check on what AN has to share
Seeing that Baileys has no interest in the white bone, AN decided to feed him what he liked from the start.
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