Nope, it's not a play, neither is it a movie or a show.
It's a food outlet in Tucson (I don't know if it has outlets everywhere else in USA tho).
They serve Vietnamese food. For as long as I have lived till nearly 3 months ago, I've thought of Vietnamese food as tasting overwhelming and them having a pungent smell that puts me off ever trying them out back in Singapore.
Boy, was I terribly wrong!
We 1st went to Miss Saigon few days after we reached Tucson. Since Mr Liow got his own car, we've been visiting them almost every weekend without fail. They are, by far, the only ones who serve soup noodles that taste like our fishball noodle back in Singapore.
Hmm...Maybe not so much coz the soup noodles taste like fishball noodle but it has a Singaporean touch to it. And I seriously suspect they put illegal addictives in their food so that we get hooked and can not resist going back for meals.
That is not all, ok?
They serve......BUBBLE TEA!!!!! With pearl!
We've yet to try anything else on their menu (I have but I still prefer the soup versions of their noodles). Will try and give a new verdict on Vietnamese food. As of now, that's the best food we've tasted, ever.
Yes, they even win what we have back in Singapore ;p!
Here comes the pictures!
Baby feeding herself biscuits. I used to have to break the biscuits into bite-sized pieces coz she would put the whole piece into her mouth, irregardless of how big that piece is. Without us realising it, she has learnt to chew off a big piece of biscuit.

Me and my Wonton Mee!!

Once upon a time, Mr Liow and I had to take turns to eat. And then when AN was abt 3mths old, we could eat together coz she was contented with playing with her own toy once she learnt to use her hands. But since she started taking solid food, we could no longer eat at the same time, again.
While Mr Liow ate, I fed her. Once he was done and after AN's finished her food, it was my turn to eat, and them to take pictures.

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