Mummy's started shopping for us again! She bought us heartworm preventive tablets online.
The practice here is such that we have to have a vet prescribe heartworm tablets for mummy to be able to purchase that online, or anywhere else for that matter. We have no prescription, so mummy hasn't been able to get us anything, till she decided to try her luck on 1800petmeds. No harm trying, she said.
She was asked to fill up details of our vet and mummy input Northwest Animal Clinic, which was where we had our jabs when we 1st came. 1800petmeds said they will get the prescription on our behalf. By that, we understood it as them retrieving an existing prescription which did not exist.
Then mummy received an email confirming the shipment of the items! So, they actually meant that they would literally 'GET THE PRESCRIPTION' for us. Din know it was so easy!
Bad news is, instead of ordering Heartgard (which we've always been on), she ordered Iverhart. It is a 'generic equivalent' to Heartgard and she thought she could get Iverhart without a prescription, unlike Heartgard. Only after paying up did she realise Iverhart, like Heartgard, requires a prescription! If only mummy read the details carefully, we'd be happier with Heartgard.

Mine comes with a bone *sniggers happily*
We did not really like Iverhart as much as Heartgard. U know, Heartgard is rather generous with their 'tablet'. Heartgard smells, and looks like a treat! Iverhart looks like this. A typical boring looking pill. Even tho it's flavoured like Heartgard, who on earth will bother to chew such a tiny tablet, right?

What else have we got?
More Greenies! Lite version, lower in calories, healthier.

And Greenies, biscuit which the store lady strongly recommended.
1st, she was impressed

Mummy always reads labels and regretted getting the biscuits for us coz she only noticed what it says on the labels when they got home.
Seriously, I do not mind and I am very sure gor gor will not mind corn grits, gluten, poultry fats.
It's been a long time since we've uploaded pictures of ourselves. Mummy always likes to take pictures of us sleeping. She said pictures of us running around always turn out looking blurred. We think she's not so skillful..There are people who take pictures of running animals beautifully, are there not?
Sharing spaces

We don't always have to sleep near each other. I'm grown up!

That was an exciting moment when baby brought out our food container, till we noticed it's an empty container *rolls eyes* Not very effective...
Mummy's little babies thought hard at:
The practice here is such that we have to have a vet prescribe heartworm tablets for mummy to be able to purchase that online, or anywhere else for that matter. We have no prescription, so mummy hasn't been able to get us anything, till she decided to try her luck on 1800petmeds. No harm trying, she said.
She was asked to fill up details of our vet and mummy input Northwest Animal Clinic, which was where we had our jabs when we 1st came. 1800petmeds said they will get the prescription on our behalf. By that, we understood it as them retrieving an existing prescription which did not exist.
Then mummy received an email confirming the shipment of the items! So, they actually meant that they would literally 'GET THE PRESCRIPTION' for us. Din know it was so easy!
Bad news is, instead of ordering Heartgard (which we've always been on), she ordered Iverhart. It is a 'generic equivalent' to Heartgard and she thought she could get Iverhart without a prescription, unlike Heartgard. Only after paying up did she realise Iverhart, like Heartgard, requires a prescription! If only mummy read the details carefully, we'd be happier with Heartgard.
Mine comes with a bone *sniggers happily*
We did not really like Iverhart as much as Heartgard. U know, Heartgard is rather generous with their 'tablet'. Heartgard smells, and looks like a treat! Iverhart looks like this. A typical boring looking pill. Even tho it's flavoured like Heartgard, who on earth will bother to chew such a tiny tablet, right?
What else have we got?
More Greenies! Lite version, lower in calories, healthier.
And Greenies, biscuit which the store lady strongly recommended.
1st, she was impressed
Mummy always reads labels and regretted getting the biscuits for us coz she only noticed what it says on the labels when they got home.
It's been a long time since we've uploaded pictures of ourselves. Mummy always likes to take pictures of us sleeping. She said pictures of us running around always turn out looking blurred. We think she's not so skillful..There are people who take pictures of running animals beautifully, are there not?
Sharing spaces
We don't always have to sleep near each other. I'm grown up!
That was an exciting moment when baby brought out our food container, till we noticed it's an empty container *rolls eyes* Not very effective...
Mummy's little babies thought hard at:
Heya Baileys and Maen!
We've been following your blog way before baby AN arrive! Hehehe! Mum got to learn abt your blog from doggiesite back then (her nick is snowbear). Anyway mum says if u wanna take nice pics of dogs in action, u would need a DSLR camera as normal compact digi cams won't be able to have such high shutter speed to capture fast action objects.
Hehe anyway paiseh to blabber so much suddenly. Mum can't help it cos she is quite into photography recently.
Can we link you in our blog? ^^
Cocoa and Barley.
hi hi Cocoa & Barley (you both make us drool....)
That was an informative piece of info! We have to tell mummy that. Every picture mummy takes of us in action are automatically rejected. One question: Seems like the pictures are more stable when the flashlight's on. Is there a logic to it? Or is mummy just imagining things? But turning on flash flushes out some parts of us so it's nt helpful too.
Sure you are welcome to link us! Can we link you too??
Oh, we forgot to sign ourselves off and pardon the lousy "informative piece of ino". That was Maen! We meant, thanks for the helpful piece of info. hehe.
Lots of licks,
Baileys & Maen
Heeehee. Ok let us explain a little bit ^_^. A pic is captured once the camera shutter open and close. So when the area is dim or during night time, there isn't enuff light entering the shutter to produce a nice/sharp pic becos the camera can't 'see' the details. Hence pic may appear blurry. Enabling the flash will compensate enuff light into the shutter and that's why pics will b sharper.
Flash does not give the best result though becos it 'flushes' out some parts of the pic like wat u said. That's why DSLR cameras have additional flash attachments that enables the user to tilt the flash light eg. to the ceiling and the flash will in turn 'throw down' fr the ceiling, giving a softer and more natural pic w/o red-eye etc.
Cheam hor? Hahaha! Anyway our mum is still newbie into photography, but it's really fun :P
Yeah yeah let's link up! ^^
Cocoa and Barley
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