A cozy afternoon used to belong to only gor gor and I.
With AN now, I really don't know if we still enjoy chilling out as much when we have to keep shifting to get out of the human pup's way.
See gor gor's grumpy face?

I better make a move 1st.

Carpet gets warm on a hot afternoon even with aircon on. Nothing beats the cooling 'tiled' ground (that's not really tile..we don't know the term for it tho)

Our rest doesn't last long enough. See gor gor run away without giving me any help!

Siesta session dismiss..

Didn't know gor gor is as kind as this, to keep a lonely, scary human puppy company
Why does a human puppy crawl so wierd? How do I do that?
See, gor gor too, can only keep his belly down

Oh, ok. I know you can do tricks. Stop showing off..

Good riddance

Now she's a....seal?

I'm back to see what she has up her sleeves

Oops..lay low..she's back

Why is it that we draw near to mummy if it's her head approaching us, and AN has such powers to repel us?

*poof* We're off!

An innocent passerby

Oops...here we go again!

Wonder if gor gor knows he can actually hide behind the sofa?

Or at a corner

Finally a diversion of attention

And she did not bother that the pull up pampers on her butt was not properly put on??

On another cozy afternoon, gor gor and I...

I think I better go into hiding 1st. Bye gor gor!

Mummy's little babies thought hard:
With AN now, I really don't know if we still enjoy chilling out as much when we have to keep shifting to get out of the human pup's way.
See gor gor's grumpy face?
I better make a move 1st.
Carpet gets warm on a hot afternoon even with aircon on. Nothing beats the cooling 'tiled' ground (that's not really tile..we don't know the term for it tho)
Our rest doesn't last long enough. See gor gor run away without giving me any help!
Siesta session dismiss..
Didn't know gor gor is as kind as this, to keep a lonely, scary human puppy company
Why does a human puppy crawl so wierd? How do I do that?
See, gor gor too, can only keep his belly down
Oh, ok. I know you can do tricks. Stop showing off..
Good riddance
Now she's a....seal?
I'm back to see what she has up her sleeves
Oops..lay low..she's back
Why is it that we draw near to mummy if it's her head approaching us, and AN has such powers to repel us?
*poof* We're off!
An innocent passerby
Oops...here we go again!
Wonder if gor gor knows he can actually hide behind the sofa?
Or at a corner
Finally a diversion of attention
And she did not bother that the pull up pampers on her butt was not properly put on??
On another cozy afternoon, gor gor and I...
I think I better go into hiding 1st. Bye gor gor!
Mummy's little babies thought hard:
Baby AN 'attack' Maen more? haha... more hao qi fu is it?! so cute!!
Jo is it?? Ya Maen's reaction slower so AN always manage to get Maen 1st.
ya its me! haha.. if pepper and yuki, she shld be able to get pepper, yuki swift fast! haha..
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