I'm so excited!
BM's shampoos are here! And they smell YUMMY!! OMGoodness! They are so going to smell like I spilled Strawberry Milkshake on them, or Vanilla or even Almond for that matter! I just wonder why the Half and Half shampoo smells like Almond but still, very delicious lor!
I also got them a bottle of waterless shampoo (coz Maen ALWAYS has her butt soaked in pee after she releases, EVERYTIME). The old one from Singapore smells like Coconut (nice!). This one has tea tree oil as an ingredient. Smells detoxifying, seems like it won't be too too wrong too!
I can't wait to bath them again.
Some pictures:
Trying to get all three excited kids to pose with the shampoos. It's easier with the furkids it seems.
Makes me happy whenever they smell nice and look clean. hehe.
Besides the shampoos, AN's goods also arrived. AN's include the usual pampers, and Mustela Facial Cream which was on offer! Buy 2 get 1 free! I had been having breakouts and none of my moisturisers worked for me. Thought I'd try sharing AN's facial cream and it did the moisturising without causing breakouts! Best thing was, the existing breakouts cleared up! Guess I'll stick with this for a long time. hehe.
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