It was Emma's 2nd birthday party in the park first, in the morning.
AN was shy as always, and reserved whenever we were with the rest of the party. I'm convinced she's like me. I was shy too at the party and didn't know how to open up. Goodness..I hope I don't come across as proud, uninterested or whatsoever. I really wanted to sit there and chit chat with the other ladies but didn't know what to say ;( and AN needed company most of the time so .. hmmm ...
Anyways, here comes the pictures. It was a fun fun fun morning, and the birthday girl was such a sweet little angel. She's got eyes that draw the soul out of you. hehe. Pretty Emma.

That was a superbly planned birthday party by her parents, something so personal and thoughtful, not only for their little girl but for guests like us and our little ones.
There was a jumping castle on the grass, sand toys (spade, buckets etc) at the playground, the playground itself (swing and slides) and even play-doh at the picnic table. There has to be something the little ones like from the selection!
AN was stuck in the castle for the longest time ever!

The birthday girl picked up a dried up leaf and walked around with it. The mummy joked: "Of all things she had to pick up a leaf."

The birthday girl is so adorable I couldn't help zooming in on her the whole morning!

Of AN enjoying herself

2 of the little girls there. There were only 3 little girls (the other was a little korean baby girl June)

All the happy baby humans!

The birthday girl getting ready for her birthday song

AN waiting to sing Emma the birthday song.

Mr Liow and his little girl. Look at my spare tire! This is not the only picture of me looking like this. OMGoodness! The retribution of eating brownies everyday for 2 months (many at a go!) is evident on my waist (or a lack of it now)

Elmo, please control what I put in my system through this mouth of mine...
I thought AN would think that was her party (she enjoys singing b'day song to herself everyday and does so without fail) but I was surprised she sang "....Happy Birthday to Emma, Happy birthday to you!", went "yeah!" and clapped excitedly, and gave a light puff at the candles on the cake from where she was seated like we always play-acted at home.
3 kids on the wagon! AN thought she was enjoying a laid back ride while Kevin (the little boy behind) held on for his dear life!

Better after a little reshuffling
AN totally enjoyed herself with the jumping castle. Me too! AN made me go into the jumping castle and not wanting to disappoint her, I went in to jump with her. For you info, I only dared step in after noticing a few other guests and Emma's dad joining in the fun inside the castle. Won't I worry I'd burst the castle otherwise? hehe.

A general 'scan-through' of the party venue. Really, pictures and videos couldn't bring out the spirit of cheer that day. I must have had too little of such fun as a child (maybe not..we lived so near to East Coast and were there playing with sand and water every other weekend last time..but still..) and couldn't stop feeling excited as one during the party.
Lastly, before we leave, we had a picture with the main lead! She said: "Thank you for coming to my party today". Soooooo cute lor!!!!!! Aiyo!!!

AN was shy as always, and reserved whenever we were with the rest of the party. I'm convinced she's like me. I was shy too at the party and didn't know how to open up. Goodness..I hope I don't come across as proud, uninterested or whatsoever. I really wanted to sit there and chit chat with the other ladies but didn't know what to say ;( and AN needed company most of the time so .. hmmm ...
Anyways, here comes the pictures. It was a fun fun fun morning, and the birthday girl was such a sweet little angel. She's got eyes that draw the soul out of you. hehe. Pretty Emma.
That was a superbly planned birthday party by her parents, something so personal and thoughtful, not only for their little girl but for guests like us and our little ones.
There was a jumping castle on the grass, sand toys (spade, buckets etc) at the playground, the playground itself (swing and slides) and even play-doh at the picnic table. There has to be something the little ones like from the selection!
AN was stuck in the castle for the longest time ever!
The birthday girl picked up a dried up leaf and walked around with it. The mummy joked: "Of all things she had to pick up a leaf."
The birthday girl is so adorable I couldn't help zooming in on her the whole morning!
Of AN enjoying herself
2 of the little girls there. There were only 3 little girls (the other was a little korean baby girl June)
All the happy baby humans!
The birthday girl getting ready for her birthday song
AN waiting to sing Emma the birthday song.
Mr Liow and his little girl. Look at my spare tire! This is not the only picture of me looking like this. OMGoodness! The retribution of eating brownies everyday for 2 months (many at a go!) is evident on my waist (or a lack of it now)
Elmo, please control what I put in my system through this mouth of mine...
I thought AN would think that was her party (she enjoys singing b'day song to herself everyday and does so without fail) but I was surprised she sang "....Happy Birthday to Emma, Happy birthday to you!", went "yeah!" and clapped excitedly, and gave a light puff at the candles on the cake from where she was seated like we always play-acted at home.
3 kids on the wagon! AN thought she was enjoying a laid back ride while Kevin (the little boy behind) held on for his dear life!
Better after a little reshuffling
AN totally enjoyed herself with the jumping castle. Me too! AN made me go into the jumping castle and not wanting to disappoint her, I went in to jump with her. For you info, I only dared step in after noticing a few other guests and Emma's dad joining in the fun inside the castle. Won't I worry I'd burst the castle otherwise? hehe.
A general 'scan-through' of the party venue. Really, pictures and videos couldn't bring out the spirit of cheer that day. I must have had too little of such fun as a child (maybe not..we lived so near to East Coast and were there playing with sand and water every other weekend last time..but still..) and couldn't stop feeling excited as one during the party.
Lastly, before we leave, we had a picture with the main lead! She said: "Thank you for coming to my party today". Soooooo cute lor!!!!!! Aiyo!!!
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