Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sick :(

I don't like how this feels at all!

Once in a while everyday, I'll feel like throwing up :( Was ok this morning and while cooking, I suddenly felt sick. I think it's the smell of food that's been instigating the nausea. I hardly feel hungry nowadays and even if I felt like eating, the moment I see food, my system goes into a halt. I have to force myself to eat and then feel like throwing up afterwards.

I don't remember this with AN. Maybe it was like this during my first tri then, except that time passed fast then and it left no impression.

Remember I started putting on weight and that made me think I was pregnan, only to find out I was not? But from the time we did the test, I started losing weight. Not too badly, but I'm almost back to my original weight before the unaccounted for 3kg gain.

I can't wait for this first tri to pass... And I pray this unwelcomed lack of appetite and nausea will not eat into the rest of my pregnancy. I want to enjoy this one as much as I did with AN.


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