We would usually bring AN to SIL's plc for her to play with her cousins while we get busy with things at home during weekends but coz it's exam period, they were not free to entertain her. My mum wanted to bring AN to play with my cousin's kids too but then decided not to disturb them for the same reasons.
So, we brought AN with us to Fernvale to do some unpacking.
So far so good. Mr Liow has unpacked the cartons filled with books and our bookshelves in the study is now full! With mostly AN's books. I loved to read when I was younger and had lots of books but as we shifted from house to house, as I got married, and then temporarily relocated to Tucson, I had to dump or give away most of them. It's wierd staring at the bookshelf filled with AN's books instead of mine after 2 yrs now.
Mr Liow did most of the unpacking while I did some cleaning and wiping. 5 boxes was an achievement today given that Mr Liow was the only one doing the job.
AN was a good girl, entertaining herself by playing with her stuffed toys and imagining storylines that her toys acted out to. It's nice that she's at this age now. When we were packing to leave for Tucson 2 yrs ago, she was only a yr old and I couldn't do any packing in peace! Each thing I put into the boxes, she would take them out.
But also because we spent too much time packing, she missed her nap and started to get impatient over some things that she usually would agree to after we explain situations to her. I'd say she's quite an understanding 3 yr old.
She fell into a deep sleep by 7pm and still is. I hope she doesn't wake up in the middle of tonight!
Here's her keeping herself occupied today before her 'play-acting' sessions. | | |
Dining area (left) |
Dining area (right) |
Common toilet |
Master toilet |
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