Mummy decided to get us more outfits of bigger sizes. Thank God it's still summer and we have time (LOTS of time) before it turns cooler.
We have boots too, so that our paws do not get scorched in temperatures like 44 deg cel on average now, and so that we do not burnt by ice during winter.
This is gor gor's boots for summer. It's small sized but seemed a little too big to be labelled small. Mummy was thinking, better big than small. What do you think? Else she was thinking of getting rid of this, and get an x-small for him but what if x-small is too small?
Those at the back, the ones in beige and pink are our winter boots. The pair of Mary-Janes are mine but mummy bought it in black in case gor gor needs an extra pair of boots, we can share. Smart mummy thinks no one will notice this is a pair of girls shoes just because it's black in colour.
And the leashes, collars and harness in the pack, if you noticed those in pink. Sweet aren't they??
This is the largest outfit that came and will fit gor gor comfortably.
This is a hooded top with army camo prints. Supposed to be mine but it seriously looked too small for me to squeeze through it. Gor gor can forget about having this.
Another 'set' that's ours to keep. The larger one is not problem for gor gor. I get the smaller one, takes a little stretching to get me in it but this is of stretchabe materials. Mummy decided to keep both.
Mummy tried the pink one on both of us. It fitted me snugly but I didn't like the process of trying to fit into it. You can imagine how tight it was on gor gor. As skinny as he may be, he's got well developed chest muscles. Too tight! Told mummy I'd prefer it a size bigger so we'll get a size bigger for us both.
Wonder why this picture is upside down. Mummy rotated the picture before posting. Anyways, these were supposed to be fashion statements. Very pretty but again, too small. What a pity!
Mummy's so tempted to get a doggy bag our size so that she can carry one of us in the bag, walk one, and push AN in the stroller one day when she can drive, and take us out. A little too ambitious we think. I personally prefer treats to being carried around. I've got more legs than she probably noticed ;p
To all the uncle & aunties who put clothes on ur furkids, please help mummy out before she gets us wrong sizes again. How will you decide based on the below chart vs our stats? We noticed that whenever we buy clothes according to their sizing charts, they turn out a little too big for us (that's why mummy bought everything according to their suggestions which apparently weren't too accurate).
Our stats are:
Mine (Maen):
Chest - 18"
Neck to Base - 16.5"
Chest - 20"
Neck to Base - 20"
Says on the website that:
Back: Measure length of pet’s back from the base of the neck to the base of the tail. See below for estimating by breed.
Neck: Measure the circumference of pet’s neck, snug but not tight. No need to add inches as you would with a collar.
Chest/Girth: Measure girth around the broadest part of the chest and add 2”.

X-Small: Cat, Yorkshire Terrier,
Small: Beagle, Boston Terrier, Cocker Spaniel, Pug
Medium: Basset Hound, Bulldog, Keeshond, Norwegian Elkhound, Dalmatian
Medium-Large: Boxer, Standard Poodle, Golden Retriever,
Large: Afghan, Doberman, German Shepherd, Irish Setter, Rottweiler, Collie
X-Large: Great Dane, Great Pyrenees, Greyhound, Mastiff, Saint Bernard
Size | Fits Base of Neck to Base of Tail | Fits Necks | Fits Chests |
X-Small | Up to 8" | 8"-10" | 10"-14" |
Small | 8"-12" | 10"-14" | 14"-17" |
Medium | 12"-16" | 14"-16" | 17"-24" |
Large | 16"-20" | 16"-18" | 24"-28" |
X-Large | 20"-24" | 18"-22" | 28"-33" |
So, mummy's wondering if she should get a large size for gor gor instead of a medium. I should safely fall in medium, right?
Check out the 'suggestions'. We must be seriously oversized *wide eyed in horror*.
Auntie Sunflower, the above is also for ur reference. Email mummy if you are interested ya? She'll give u more details and links to individual outfits that's obviously too small for us. Is Spikey about my size? I remember he's smaller than gor gor and the clothes may fit (I am too but I look too sexy in small pieces of outfit *blush*). Do check against the measurements tho. Don't make the same mistake mummy did. *glares at mummy*
I sometimes buy the wrong size.
I got many items that don't fit my furball and most of the time i am too lazy to exchange them.
Baby Maen, little spikey used to wear petedge's medium size 2 years back, but petedge seems to change their sizing sometime ago. Without realising tat, mummy bought a medium size life vest for me and it was wayyyyyy to huge for me. After learning her lesson, she decided to go one size smaller and bought this (spikey's length measures 16" but petedge SMALL shows 8"-12" but it fits spikey). Since Small fits spikey, perhaps your gorgor can go for Medium?
Ms. _______ 2 be !, what do you do with the wrong sizes? we look at them hanging in the wardrobe but can't put them on and it's sad. ;(
angelic romance,thanks for the sizing help! it's our 1st time and sizing charts hardly works for us :( safer to stick with medium, even for me coz small feels tighter than my skin even tho I can squeeze myself into the clothes.
You can always sell them back out if it don't fit or give away as a gift to your friends.
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