Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Haha! Funny baby.

AN was straining and I believe she had the poo poo urge (she passed motion yesterday and I wonder why it seems like she's constipated today again..hmm...but anyway).

She was using so much strength and concentrating so hard.

All of a sudden she burped and then casually confessed loudly "BURP!"

That was a funny moment coz in the first place if she needed to pass gas, I thought the gas should exit from her bottom instead.

Her nonchalant confession made me laugh and seeing that I was laughing at her, she went on to force air out again and this time she passed gas from her bottom.

And then she went "MUMMY! Poot!"

Laugh until I go weak.

No need to pang sai today already. After the big laugh we had, I'm sure whatever sai that's on its way out had just gone back home.

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