Thursday, November 5, 2009

Day 6: Only one solid meal and it's still no breeze

Countdown: 18 days

Milk in the morning.

M&Ms for lunch before nap.

Dinner started at 4.30pm and it's 6.20pm now. She still has a whole mouth stuffed with food.

What was for dinner? A quarter piece of mee sua plus boiled egg (chopped up), green peas and shredded carrots in chicken soup.

Appetizing full coursed pasta or Asian meals take her 2 hours. Soupy pasta, porridge and mee sua for infants also take her 2 hours.

I am now convinced. It will never end. This human will probably eat like a 6 months old forever.

Out of only 1-2 tiny solid meals a day, I can almost count with my 5 fingers how many times I did not have to worry or spend forever to get her finished and done with.

If any care takers find feeding a child with fever worrying and tough, try feeding a child who eats like that every single meal of every day for 1 year 2 months now, and seeming forever.

I use up every single bit of patience I have in me that is renewed each day. And strength. And sanity. I am so tired.

She is only 2.5 yrs old. How am I going to survive the rest of my life and hers?

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