My Maen has turned 5 on 28th Feb 2010.
Each year this day, she makes me wonder if I miscalculated her age. She's still small in size, and puppy-like. As much as we wish for her to grow smarter, it's her silliness that makes us laugh.
Maen, you really bring joy to me. Baileys has grown to be too matured to be treated like a puppy but you, at this same matured age of 5 years, still come to me, looking to be treated like one. It's like I have a forever puppy in you.
Mummy enjoys hugging you as before, because you will never mind being carried belly up even if that really means I am putting you in a position that's vulnerable to attacks (by AN).
It gets on my nerves sometimes how you stay super close to me that I often end up tripping over you when I change directions but not having you anywhere near me also makes me uncomfortable.
It's probably those pregnancy hormones that's making me feel wierd but both times I am pregnant, I crave to hold you to sleep. And it was a pleasant surprise to find that you have broken out of the kitchen into our room a couple mornings, to give me your morning kisses like you used to give when we were back in Sgp.
I love your silliness, your immunity to regulations, your gentleness towards AN even when she was rough with you. I love how you always take a step forward before obeying when I tell you to get "down". You just have to try your luck with everything, don't you?
And you are beautiful, when you were a puppy and riding on the sofa....

when you were shaved down to minimize furballs in the house but still decide that the sofa is the most cushion place to lay your head on...

when you have your coat back, whether you are dressed up or down...

when you bark at Baileys to get him to play with you, even when it gets on his nerves at times.

Stay pretty and healthy. Continue to be the silly little girl that you are made to be. We love you!
Mummy, Papa, AN, Baileys and the new one.
Each year this day, she makes me wonder if I miscalculated her age. She's still small in size, and puppy-like. As much as we wish for her to grow smarter, it's her silliness that makes us laugh.
Maen, you really bring joy to me. Baileys has grown to be too matured to be treated like a puppy but you, at this same matured age of 5 years, still come to me, looking to be treated like one. It's like I have a forever puppy in you.
Mummy enjoys hugging you as before, because you will never mind being carried belly up even if that really means I am putting you in a position that's vulnerable to attacks (by AN).
It gets on my nerves sometimes how you stay super close to me that I often end up tripping over you when I change directions but not having you anywhere near me also makes me uncomfortable.
It's probably those pregnancy hormones that's making me feel wierd but both times I am pregnant, I crave to hold you to sleep. And it was a pleasant surprise to find that you have broken out of the kitchen into our room a couple mornings, to give me your morning kisses like you used to give when we were back in Sgp.
I love your silliness, your immunity to regulations, your gentleness towards AN even when she was rough with you. I love how you always take a step forward before obeying when I tell you to get "down". You just have to try your luck with everything, don't you?
And you are beautiful, when you were a puppy and riding on the sofa....
when you were shaved down to minimize furballs in the house but still decide that the sofa is the most cushion place to lay your head on...
when you have your coat back, whether you are dressed up or down...
when you bark at Baileys to get him to play with you, even when it gets on his nerves at times.
Stay pretty and healthy. Continue to be the silly little girl that you are made to be. We love you!
Mummy, Papa, AN, Baileys and the new one.
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