Saturday, March 6, 2010

Slip Disc Relapse!

Mr Liow was supposed to be enjoying himself at Lambert Park with the rest of his colleagues today for PRIDE DAY (I can't remember what he said the celebration was for).

Couple of hours after he left home, I received his call saying that he was at Urgent Care. He's suffering from his slip disc again! Uh-oh!

Among the many viruses or problems, we hate the slip disc worst! Coz it not only cause him severe pain, so bad that he couldn't breath properly or even sit on a wheel chair some years back (I think it was some time during my pregnancy with AN), it takes him a long time to recover fully.

Thank God for the past 23 months, he's been well.

He said he felt the sharp pain when he coughed too hard this morning (he's still coughing very badly. Been a week and 3 days now since he fell sick!). That happens when we were in Singapore. His slip disc seem to happen worse during Nov/Dec (in Sgp) and it mostly happened when he either coughed too hard, or was not careful with how he gets around, like up from sitting on the ground etc.

It's no surprise this time that it came back because of his cough. He's been coughing for a week now..his back must have tolerated enough to give up now.

Thank God that it did not feel as painful as it always did in Singapore. According to him, it felt like 'few days later' during recovery stage. From my point of view, he's walking wierd again like he used to whenever he's bothered by the pain. He's like, tilted to a side.

After that few days of backache at my lower back hips myself (and those were only backaches), I can't imagine how much worse slip disc can feel! I mean, it could be so bad he couldn't even breathe properly..poor Mr Liow.

I'm praying for a speedy recovery. We will be going to Florida in 2 weeks' time and we have to fly there. I pray he'll recover in time to travel. Else I do not mind forgoing the trip. I know he will not give the trip up though...hmm..

Also praying that his cough will go away soon.

He's not the only one coughing....AN is also starting to cough now, worse the past 2 nights.

Pray that both father and daughter will get well soon.

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