Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My recovery

Mr Liow's aunt came to visit us yesterday and in the midst of chatting, mum asked how much Ginger, red dates and other confinement foodstuff she gave her own daughter during her confinement. Mum realised that she's giving me way way less and is worried I'm not getting enough 'pu' (nutrients) to get my body adjusted back. The aunt then commented that I have to eat more coz I looked pale and mum got even more affected and started to feel bad that she's probably not taking care of me well enough. I told mum that I feel strong, I recovered so fast this time (I no longer felt pain at my stitches after just 6 days cmp to 3 whole wks aft my 1st delivery! That's LOTS of difference!) and I can do so much by myself. If she's not taking good care of me, how on earth will I be able to do so much? I may not be getting as much Ginger or of this and that as others but what matters more is how well I'm recoverig isn't it?Mum is easily discouraged. Just hope she's assured by my explanation.

Of course, Mr Liow had also been doing so much that he's starting to feel his back problems coming back. I'm so worried it will come back and hit him hard after this :( he's seriously overworked! And he has to help me coax AN every night. I'm waiting for confinement to be over so that Mr Liow can sleep back on our bed. I'll either lie with AN till she falls asleep each night and attend to ER in our room, or attend to both of them in their own room and go back to our room to rest after settling them both. We'll see how.

I'm very thankful that I'm recovering so fast this time! The bleeding is still not clearing up as yet but it's much lesser than my first time. Most important thing is my pain is now gone totally! I'm mobile again and happily so. I can help Mr Liow out with some clearing up now, can sit on the floor wiTh AN, get on and off the couch and bed easily.

Goodbye pain!!

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