Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Efficiency is - doing only what benefits the organisation

"ABCD" organisation knew when we rented our home out in May 2008 (somehow...)and started taxing us at 10% of our Annual Valuation.

End of our latest lease was in March 2010 but they are still charging us 10% for 2011. When I called in, they asked if it was still being rented out (they didn't know that it's no longer being rented out wor...then how did they know in the first place when it was?).

Should we not be vigilant enough, we'd have paid the amount they asked for.

So we're supposed to apply for owner-occupier tax rates again and still pay the full 10% before they will refund us the difference by cheque.

They somehow know when they are supposed to collect more tax from us but do not know when they are not supposed to anymore. How efficient.

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