Sunday, May 4, 2008

Bad tempered girl + Car search

I'm starting to notice that AN has a bad temper and it gets increasingly obvious over the past week that we've been here. The 1st few days she threw tanthrums, we attribute that behaviour to jet lag.

It was near evening and we were done with window shopping. Mr Liow and Edwin were getting a gift for Edwin's dad so I sat at a corner with AN, trying to feed her. She took a few spoonfuls and started to wave her hands (she knows how to wave "no" when she doesn't want something now). She's not had anything to eat for the whole day and I was hoping she could go for a few more spoonfuls.

She probably decided that since mummy doesn't understand that she doesn't wanna eat, she will show some of her newly found powers. She threw her head back, hitting her head against the back of her pram. That sounded painful and she started to cry loud.

Since she doesn't wanna eat, I stopped feeding her and gave her some toys to fiddle with while I kept the spoon and packed her dining stuff back into her bag. She started to throw those toys onto the floor. I picked them up one after another and returned them to her. She continued to throw everything I passed back to her.

That calls for disciplining right? I took her palm and gave a sound smack. She had also since few days ago, learnt that the smack on her palm means punishment. It's not a game like she used to think it was.

She started to scream-cry. It was high pitched and loud. Thank God we were at a furthest end of the mall where there are hardly any shoppers. I was looking around for Mr Liow. Somehow when she starts to be unpacifiable, only Mr Liow can make her stop by carrying her. He wasn't in view.

I kept everything, and then started to walk her. That usually works but this time round, it didn't.

She continued to be very angry and vocal about her anger. I gave up trying and popped a pacifier in. Then she stopped screaming and wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me tight.

Thank God I wasn't angry throughout the whole episode. Her hug totally softened me. hee.

I was exploring ways and means to discipline her in my brains and so far, none worked today. After she calmed down (with the help of the pacifier), I explained to her that her behaviour earlier was really bad, that it wasn't necessary to scream like she did, that I understood she didn't want to eat and was about to put the food away. Whispered into her ears for a good minute or so while she nagged and nagged softly back at me, at if responding to my explaination.

The need to discipline has begun.

She wanted something yesterday and I refused to give that to her. She got angry, threw herself backwards (she's been doing that more often lately!), cried and started to scream when I insisted on not giving that thing to her.

I allowed her to cry, scream, throw her temper while I silently watched without saying or doing anything. After she was done with her antics, she calmed down, still sobbing but lightly, and crawled over to me and hugged me. I don't know for sure what that meant but I thought that felt like a 'sorry'. Then I explained why I couldn't give that thing to her. She then 'baby-talked' me as if she understood what I was telling her.

Following that 'reconciliation', she actually dared not take that thing she wanted. she'd reach out for it and when I said 'no', she'd 'baby-talk' me as if explaining to me why she should not be taking that.

Well, that was yesterday. Today's scenerio is slightly different in that I'm too embarrased to let her cry too loud and for too long in public. Will continue to perform the "watch and see" discipline on her a few more times at home and till I'm really sure this works on AN, I'll not try this outside home. hee.

That aside, the whole morning we were out searching for cars. MR Liow has decided to go for Crysler's Town and Country.

Nothing came out of the car hunting today tho. He's decided that if there isn't any suitable Town and Country till end May, he'd take Poh Teck's car. His car looked well maintained but he honestly told mr Liow that he isn't too keen to sell the car to him. The mileage of his car's too high and problems will surface anytime now. I thought that was very honest. hee.

The T&C we saw this morning looked worse than Poh Teck's car (I'd say his car looks maintained!). Comparing mileage among the 2 cars, it's probably better but it doesn't look maintained, a door is faulty, the interior looks old and erm...dusty, something's wrong with the steering wheel, the car emits some noise when brakes are applied, etc. Both Mr Liow and I agree that even tho Poh Teck's car is supposed to be older and more worn out than that one on sale, it definately looked and performed better.

So yup, till end May if Mr Liow can't find a better one, we'll take Poh Teck's car. In the meantime, he's gotten many kind offers from his men to use their cars for the next 2 weeks coz they'd be away for exercise. So kind of them!

That's abt it for today. Mr Liow needs to be back in base for half a day tomorrow for that same exercise. It'll be me and AN, home alone again. Please pray for wisdom to know how to discipline AN effectively, out of love and not anger.

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