Monday, August 25, 2008

Too bad

Dillard was having 40% off everything that's price tags that are already reduced.

I saw a Coach bag selling at $249 after 25% and with another 40% off, it's going to be .... you do the calculations ok?

Mr Liow asked if I wanted to buy it. I was hesitant coz erm....I don't really fancy branded stuff although I was itching coz it was sooooo cheap. I suggested we come back to Tucson to get it so that I could consider during the car ride back if I really wanted it.

When we went shopping earlier at Park Place Mall, there was nothing left. haha! The only items left eligible for the 40% off on top of already reduced priced items are only 3 bangles -_______-"

Morale of the story:
You either buy it during sales, or totally forget about it.

I'm regretting not getting it from Flagstaff earlier on already...but I should get over this one easily.

I just want my ring back :(

And to all of you sweet ladies who shared in my heartache for losing my ring, thanks so much *muacks*

Mr Liow is not reproaching me in any ways now although there's this nagging voice in my head that tells me he will be forever affected by me losing something so significant in our marriage. I hope he still loves me.. :(

Chloe: MR Liow said that me and YH the same one...but the difference was, he lost his ring when it was cold and he couldn't feel the ring slipping off. Me simply has no idea what happened to mine and it wasn't that cold when I lost it :( But still, I feel better knowing that you understand how I feel. hee.

Yunz: You are slacking now coz you just started out to be on your own mah. Once jobs come in, you will be so busy you have no time to sleep again. hehe.

Sunflower: Yup, you try Giant. The only Giant we went to was the one at Tampines :) Wow, 5 years?? hee. So I shld still be able to see you when we return hor? hehe.

Dawn: I felt so tempted to bring my eletrical pump out but decided not to coz if AN couldn't clear the engorgement, I doubt the pump can. I see patch building up again. Will try to scratch it away if it gets engorged again. Mr Liow says it's a sign for me to stop latching her. hehe. AN doesn't seem to agree tho.

To all, I've uploaded some pictures in the PC to be posted when I've time to. It's been really nice trip except for my great loss (it's not the price but the value that I mourn..*sob*).

I *heart* Flagstaff (oooohhh, sounds young, don't I? hee).

We'll be away again from 29 Aug - 8 Sept again. This time to New York and a couple more places. Hope to be able to upload pics from this trip before we leave so that there won't have to be backlogs to clear. hee.

Love you guys..hee.

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