Friday, September 12, 2008

Pictures of New York, Boston, Washington

Here comes the pictures! There are toooo many pictures already, so I'll post more of the pictures with us (human beings) in them. Will also post some of the places we visited, or if the pictures are too good to not be posted (in my opinion la. ;p)

New York City (30 & 31 Aug 2008)

At Uncle Neigi's apartment on the 1st morning of our trip (I feel like crying as I'm typing holiday blues, manz...)

1st breakfast: Me with the still quite-behaved baby

Starting to get demanding

Smiling after she's gotten what she wanted

1st Outlet visit: Tanger outlets
Uncle Neo suffering from jetlag. I know it's cruel of me to post this but...hehe. Jetlag is no fun wor. Just not let yourself be within my sight if you are suffering from it when my camera is operationally ready. muahahah!

Skyscrapers, an impossible sight in Tucson


On the way to Statue of Liberty

On the island of the Statue

Backview. hehe. Bo liao right?

While waiting for papa to be done with trying to bring a part of the statue home (statue shopping)

How do we pacify a hot & upset baby? We can throw her up into the air and catch her, or help her stand tall enough to be able to see the hair partings of all the tall ang mos!

That's...New York City behind us, I think. Or was it New Jersey?

1st group pic without Neigi. He was waiting for us somewhere

While waiting for Long Fa, we took a slow stroll to breath the air of New York.

The parents

The males
The females

The baby

My laogong trying to smear the reputation of this Malaysia's Beauty Salon in NY

In Manhatten

The 'A' boys of long long ago
Central Park

Times Square

At the M&Ms shop

Boston (1st Sept 2008)
At Harvard

This was the picture mentioned in my earlier post about some childish comment made by a student. Anyways..hehe. Kids la, huh.

As suggested by Uncle Neigi: A typical wedding-album pose

Courtesy of Ivy
Dinner at Quincy Market

Trying to look happy while Mr Liow was away, pacifying angry baby

Ku Zhong Zuo Le

Cheerios helps
A faked face of relief

Food. Glorious SEAFOOD!
The morning after, while the princess was asleep. This was again, Neigi's idea.

I was supposed to photoedit this so that Mr Liow looked like he was spitting blood but, where got time?

Getting baby ready for the tour
More pictures at the balcony

So scandalous

From the balcony of Hyatt

So posey

So gay-ie

Like real huh?

Group pic before we proceed to the aquarium. Lovely sight frm the balcony.

At the aquarium
A fishy kinda love with flash

A fishy kinda love with no flash. Blame it on the moving fish & no flash but I think my photography skill is also a problem. *blush*

From Ivy's camera. Don't know what the penguins were doing but I thought that was sweet. hee.
Out from under the sea
Washington DC (4 September 2008)

Iconic monument of DC I think

Brunch at Cafe Asia during the fateful 2 hours when we got fined for not paying to park when it was actually coz of the faulty parking meter...biangz.

Mr Liow & Uncle Neo

Uncle Neigi & I..see how hideous I look without eyebrows?

Uncle Neo and his Ivy. hehe.
Auntie Ivy was busy taking pictures of AN. In fact many of the pictures I posted of AN were courtesy of Auntie Ivy. Thanks so much for helping to carry AN around. *sob* Really appreciate all the help!

After lunch at the park.

Many adults and a baby

Baby prefers to walk BUT prefers NOT to walk where we need her to walk towards *faint*

"Leave me alone and let me walk, papa..."

The memorial from another angle

and another

"Is is straigher now?" hehe. ok, this is NOT the leaning tower. It's the same memorial.

White house? We weren't allow to step in anymore. Visitors have to apply 6months prior to visiting for a permit. Even US residents need apply.



That of the baby who's routine was all upset by bad mummy who take good care of her throughout the whole week

but I know she still loves me. hee

Uncle Neo took this picture i think. He's got a hidden talent!

This is...? I think I wasted my time walking *wide eyed*
Nice? hehe. Testing out different modes of the camera

Harry Porter and the Golden Ticket.

I didn't take this. Mr Liow did. haha! Uncle Neo, the senior pig.

Washington Dinner. We bought all ready made food and heat them up. Was fun eating like that.
Washington group pic

Early morning on the way back to NY

New York City (6 September 2008)
Back in Neigi's apartment. Realised these were the only pictures we took of our last day before we left. So, that was the end of our trip..*bawls*

Our last dinner

Mr Liow was too slow for the 10secs timer
Finally, our last group photo

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