Friday, October 22, 2010

Just Us

Some pictures taken randomly. Less and less time to put words into pictures for memories. hee.

Jie jie posing in front of her blankie with popo holding it up. popo's idea!

ER at 3+ weeks old

The jie jie sleeping through the night while I change nappy of the screaming boy (who hates soiled diapers like his jie jie used to)

ER shed hair! Found this on his head. This chunk came loose just like that.

AN learnt to draw eyes, faces (more proper ones now) and the sun. Can you tell which came from her hands?

Jie jie says she wants to be wrapped up like a baby. But the jie jie's too big for the wrap!
Without the new boy on the block, just 3 of us

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